Porcelain Veneers are considered to be the finest restorations offered in Cosmetic Dentistry and give to many of the TV and movie stars the extraordinary smiles we see. The teeth are very minimally prepared only from the front side (and in many cases not at all, like in Lumineers) and thin shells of porcelain are fabricated by one of the laboratories we work with. Porcelain veneers are considered to be the longest lasting dental restorations considering that they are properly prepared, fabricated and bonded.Many esthetic dental problems can be solved with porcelain veneers. They can be used to restore the esthetics of a single tooth or offer a full smile reconstruction. Their strength is comparable with the strength of natural teeth and can have a longevity of at least 10 – 15 years.
Our office works with some of the finest laboratories in Greece and the U.S.A. Usually, two appointments are needed and the time required is 2 – 3 weeks. Between the two appointments the teeth are covered with temporary restorations.